Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” John 20:19


Greetings Jasper Friends,

This is my final message to you as your interim pastor. I have been your pastor here in Jasper for a full year, and it has been a wonderful year for both Lon and me. You are a wonderful group of Christ’s people, and you have welcomed both of us – and on occasion, our extended family members too – so very warmly. I know that I will treasure memories of leading worship with you, of visiting with some of you in your homes, of wonderful meals and times of fellowship today, and so much more. It has been a particular delight to get to know the children and to receive warm hugs from them on Sunday mornings. The children are so responsive and so “on message” during children’s time that sometimes it seems as though I don’t really need to preach a sermon because they have already taught us what we need to know about God’s love and caring.

Many of you know already that we plan to spend almost six months in England visiting with family and, once again, going on retreat at another of the holiest sites in the British Isles, Holy Island or Lindisfarne. While Iona is the place where Christianity first came to the shores of Scotland, Holy Island is where Christianity first came to England, so it too is steeped in Christian history. I will also be preaching occasionally while I am in England at a reformed church in the northwest of England.

Please know that you will continue to be in my prayers as you search for a new called pastor to lead your ministry in Jasper. Although it is hard to be without a regular pastor, it is certainly worth the time and energy it takes to find the right person to provide the leadership that is right for this congregation. You are a close-knit and loving group, strong in the Lord, deeply caring for each others’ needs, and a blessing to the people of Hamilton County. I know that you will provide each other with the ministry that you each need.

Lon and I both look forward to visiting with you when we return.

Many blessings to each one of you,


 You can reach me by phone at 352-278-0757 or email at Also, you can hear any sermons you may have missed at sermons _